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Soul-Care September

When I say “self-care” there are times when I cringe a little because sometimes it seems like such a frivolous word. I have been grappling with this over the last year. I will admit it, I actually don’t like saying the word “self-care”. I feel like this word has been over used. The concept is still important to follow, but after a year of cringing and using other words to describe taking care of one’s needs, I have come to terms that it is actually Soul-Care that I care about. It is about caring for our mind, body and souls and the mind, body and souls of all those around us. Soul-Care to me is expansive and something we share with others, because when our souls shine, we help others shine.

I hope you will follow me on this new journey of Soul-Care. My definition of Soul-Care is nurturing the soul by honoring our commitment to daily rituals that lift us up.

As I have been on this journey of finding more balance and flow in my life, my daily rituals have become so important and are nonnegotiable. They have helped keep me calm when life has thrown me curve balls. I have had my moments, but because of my strong meditation practice, my reactions have been slower and less volatile. I still have a ways to go, but I love the direction I am headed in.

Each person’s journey is so unique and it is not one size fits all. I challenge you this September to find the daily habits that lift you up, brighten your mood and feed your soul.

Tap on to the link for this printable 30 Day Chart that you can fill in as you do one thing each day that lifts your spirits. Creating a community of committed people lifting their vibes higher has been my goal. I would love to hear about your journey. Please share what has worked for you on the Instagram and/or Facebook page. Let’s raise our vibrations this month and cheer each other on.

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